Saturday, August 6, 2011

Review of SHIVER

Summary: Basically there's this girl named Grace who is in love with a werewolf that changes depending on the temperature. This is his last full year as a human. *Insert story here*
A bit of a rant:
Okay so I borrowed this book from my beloved best friend, whom I trust very much. Sometimes I am too trusting. I'm not dissing her because she is made of awesome but sometimes I seriously wonder about her. I love you GGNP just in case you are reading this. <3333333
Okay so I am going to tell you a personal story that really has nothing to do with this review because I feel like it. This story is starring my good friends GGNP and Emma. We were writing on Emma's whiteboard and I wrote "Werewolf sex is hot".
I'm sorry if I offended anyone but it totally is. Every. Single. Book. I've. Ever. Read. With. Werewolf. Sex. Has. Been. So. Fucking. Hot. Yes that was necessary.
This book was no exception.
The Good:
I liked the theory of the wolves changing in the temperature but I wished that she could have done some more world-building. For example, at what temperature do the wolves change? Why are some given more years than others? Hopefully that will be more built upon as the series continues.
*Spoiler* The sex scene. Yeah I went there.
And I liked the cover and the pretty font. I know that this has nothing to do with the real essence of the book but I still wanted to mention it.
That there was correct grammar in this book. Good god, we don't want another Twilight grammar book out there.
The Bad:
The plot. Or lack thereof. I am so unsure what the hell the book was about. I feel like I just spent 390 pages in a fantasy world of no-plot's land. That's all I'm gonna say on this topic.
The characters. They were pretty much reincarnations of Bella and Edward. Grace was a spineless girl that was easily forgotten and had no real friends, cooking meals for her parents, and feeling unworthy. Sam was an emo guy that was too picture perfect yet didn't realize it. He was always like I'd wanna hurt you etc. GAH!
Finally, the ending. It's was so annoying. I'm really getting sick and tired of these cliff-hanger endings in these trilogies.
I'm not sure that I'll read Linger. I'm not really sure if it is worth my time. But if you are a fan of spineless girls, no plots, and Twilight, than this is the book for you.
COMING UP: Review of Delirium

Friday, August 5, 2011

I am going to explain

Hey guys. It's hard to believe that my last post was in Febuary. It seemed like just yesterday I was reviewing books, laughing with my friends, and trying to hide my pain behind a smile. Basically in December after my Wintergirls post, I had a nevours breakdown. I tried to kill myself at least seven times (not all at once of course).
I couln't run from anything anymore. It was time to face up to the facts. I was seriously depressed, had horrible amounts of anxiety, and an eating disoder. I've pretty much been spending the rest of time in intense treatment. It took until now to get the courage to write this post. As hard as it is to be back, it feels great.
Thanks for all your support.
Carling <333

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just telling you why

I have some saddish news to share. Because of personal issues that I'd rather not go into at this point, all production of this blog has been put to a halt. I AM still reading and will have more to share in a while.
Sorry if I've disappointed anyone.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Review--- WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson

Summary: “Dead girl walking,” the boys say in the halls.

“Tell us your secret,” the girls whisper, one toilet to another.

I am that girl. I am the space between my thighs, daylight shining through.

I am the bones they want, wired on a porcelain frame.

Lia and Cassie were best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies. But now Cassie is dead. Lia's mother is busy saving other people's lives. Her father is away on business. Her step-mother is clueless. And the voice inside Lia's head keeps telling her to remain in control, stay strong, lose more, weigh less. If she keeps on going this way—thin, thinner, thinnest—maybe she'll disappear altogether.

In her most emotionally wrenching, lyrically written book since the National Book Award finalist Speak, best-selling author Laurie Halse Anderson explores one girl's chilling descent into the all-consuming vortex of anorexia.

A little rant...

My good friend Emma told me to read this. My librarian told me to read this. A random girl who walked into the library told me to read this.

I had no idea what I was getting into.

When I took it out from the library, I was getting ready to go on a long trip. Whilst in the car, I decided to open this book and give it a try...

Less than an hour later, I was half-way through the book and was beside myself in tears.

The Good: The narration. Or the writing depending on how you want to look at it. Oh my lord, it's amazing. Every. Single. Phrase. They are so pretty and tell in truth, what it's like to have an eating disorder. I loved how after each time she mentioned a food she would put in brackets how many calories was in it. I loved the crossed out phrases, making it look like it was her body versus her mind. I had entered the mind of an anorexic and props to Halse Anderson for it.

The characters. Each was so alive and so vivid, I could feel them inside the book, just waiting for me to discover their secrets. I was in tears as I read each of their struggles. And I almost never cry in books. Never. Not unless it hits some part of me. Which it totally did.

The plot. It was perfect. It was a different then the normal mental illness plot thing that most people enjoy writing. It was what really sticks with you when you have a mental illness... It's not when you first get it that it effects you... It's the aftermath that nearly kills you. You feel like you should still be watching your weight, cutting yourself, or still be covered in sadness. This book told that amazingly.

The ending. It was so freaking beautiful. I want a copy of the last chapter on my wall. I was in tears when I first read it, and even now when I read it, it can still bring a tear to my eye. Not very many other books can really do that to me. So when they can, that means they are really good.

The Bad: BAD? You want me to say bad things about this book? What kind of monster are you? Just kidding...

I guess the way it's written can be a little annoying when you first start reading it, but you get used to it just like any book. And after about two chapters, you are to wrapped in the story to even care anymore.

Overall: I read so many fictional books about mental illness, and none have any sort of idea of what's it's like to be mentally ill, save for this one. So far, this is one of best and one of my favourite books overall.

10 out of 10

Some new stuff...

Okay so I've been working on some reviews, only without the summaries. I will post them from my own computer. THEN I will go on one that will let me cut and paste, and put the summaries up.

Thanks for your patience as I try and figure out this new computer.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Why the world sucks...

My fucking laptop got all screwy. Then I got a temporary replacement, and it sucks so badly. Until I can figure out how to make it work, (I can't even get onto YouTube, it sucks so badly), there won't be any reviews. Hopefully I'll be up and running by Monday.

*Hugs all*

Sorry for all this.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Due to stuff that I cannot control, I cannot post a book review today...

I will be back tomorrow with two reviews to make up for it though